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Terry Mady-Grove

Charted University Consultants, LLC

Life is a marathon - not a sprint.

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Why did you start your business?

With over 3,500 colleges and universities to choose from and increased competition for admission, the college search and application process has become complicated and stressful. The teenage years can be hard enough - this added stress is unhealthy for the student and parents. I knew that I could simplify the process and reduce stress based upon my skills as a lawyer, firsthand knowledge as a parent and keeping on the cutting edge of the college landscape. The journey to college admission can and should be a time to explore, expand and aspire.

Biggest Achievement so far.....

Thinking that I truly changed a young person's direction in life and then hearing this affirmed from the student and parents through tears of joy and gratitude.

Social Links
Port Washington, NY
Greatest Lesson Learned....

Some people say that college is the best four years of your life but, really, it is just the jumping off point. College is only the beginning.

Person, Place or Thing that inspires you

The Grand Canyon - its majesty and natural beauty

Words to Foster others....

Knowledge is power - with it you can do anything!

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