Sheila Kamara Hay
Ecstatic Birth
“The most notable fact our culture imprints on women is the sense of our limits. The most important thing one woman can do for another is to illuminate and expand her sense of actual possibilities.”
- Adrienne Rich
Why did you start your business?
I want to support women that are just like I once was— desiring a beautiful, natural birth, with absolutely no idea how to create one! I want to use all I have learned in my journey to give other women the information, tools, resources, and support necessary to create an empowered and pleasurable birth experience. I want to put childbirth back on its sacred pedestal.
Biggest Achievement so far.....
The creation of the Ecstatic Birth Training Sessions, a digital program that gives women direct access to the most progressive teachers in the fields of women’s health, birth and sensuality.
Social Links
New York, NY
Greatest Lesson Learned....
Seeking support is not a sign of weakness, but rather what makes you strong…stronger than you could ever be on your own.
Person, Place or Thing that inspires you
Mother Earth, Mama Gena and my kids.
Words to Foster others....
Empower, pleasure, and feminine wisdom!