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Michelle Hsiao

Revenue Growth Advisors

I'd rather regret the things I've done than the things I haven't done. Lucille Ball

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Why did you start your business?

I have a deep passion for supporting small businesses. This includes volunteer business consulting I've been doing for several years. I decided to take my 20+ years of corporate retail, ecommerce and manufacturing success and offer support and guidance to small to medium businesses who can benefit in launching, scaling, becoming more profitable, etc.

Biggest Achievement so far.....

Launching the business and securing our very first client (a month long project) from out of the blue, in less than two weeks! It was great validation that our services are needed and resonate with clients and potential clients.

Social Links
Port Washington
Greatest Lesson Learned....

Be more interested in what others have to say than in getting your two cents out there. You never know who you can learn from, who can be a potential client, who can connect, or who you can have an informative, interesting or funny conversation with!

Person, Place or Thing that inspires you

My 9 year old daughter whose ambition is to be a CEO/Mayor/Fashion Designer/Mom. I (and the other women of strength and ambition) am blazing trails for her, and nothing makes me prouder than when I hear her tell someone "My Mom is a CEO of her own business."

Words to Foster others....

We all have so much going on in our lives, and especially if we are businesspeople, and even more so as women! Be critical of how you spend your time, outsource wherever possible so you can focus on what you do well, and have a process in how you capture ideas/long range plans/"not today priorities"- Get those out of your head so you can focus on what needs to be a today priority (I call it "putting it in the parking lot"!)

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