Drina Scheiber
The Bart Group Merchant Services
The best way out is always through. - Robert Frost

Why did you start your business?
The Bart Group is a family owned business which I worked for 18 years before becoming Executive Director. We have been women owned and run for the past 20 years.
Biggest Achievement so far.....
My children will always be my biggest personal achievements. In the business world I believe my biggest success to be recognized as Port Washington’s Small Business Person of the Year.
Social Links
Port Washington, NY
Greatest Lesson Learned....
Always ask more questions than you think necessary. You never know who has the answers or wisdom that will provide the key to your future.
Person, Place or Thing that inspires you
The women in my family who have come before. Surviving hardship, war, illness and uncertainty with a laugh and living life on their own terms.
Words to Foster others....
Always remember the Golden Rule. If you live with kindness to others as the root of your being, you will have branches to secure you in all facets of your life.