Dr. Hayley Nelson
Be Well with Dr. Hayley (and The Academy of Cognitive and Behavioral Neuroscience)
“Any man could, if he were so inclined, be the sculptor of his own brain.”
― Santiago Ramon y Cajal, Advice for a Young Investigator – 1897

Why did you start your business?
I am passionate about making neuroscience approachable for everyone! I love working with coaches, wellness professionals, teachers, and counselors who are ready to stand apart and show up as true leaders in their field. By learning easy-to-swallow knowledge of how the brain works in real-life situations, my clients and students are armed with an education in a subject they can use literally every single day. Not only that, they gain the power to serve their clients better. This allows them to create an environment for their communities to thrive.
Biggest Achievement so far.....
I earned my PhD in Psychological and Brain Sciences from The Johns Hopkins University and am a tenured professor of Psychology and entrepreneur all while raising two [very] active and healthy boys! My boys always have been and always will be my biggest achievement and my reason WHY.
Social Links
Downingtown, PA
Greatest Lesson Learned....
My greatest lesson learned is that I'm never done learning! I'm constantly learning new things, like the most recent neuroscience research reports, to picking up new skills and hobbies, or, as is currently the situation, regaining old skills and practices that once upon a time brought me joy. Watch out Broadway.....here I come......well, maybe not Broadway, but I certainly am enjoying singing and tap dancing again! =) It's never too late to learn something new or to dust off those old tap shoes!
Person, Place or Thing that inspires you
My children inspire me every day to live life to it's fullest and to believe in the best in people. I love their innocence, joy, imagination, and creativity that they bring to every situation, and I try to remind myself that these were the same values I had as a child and can certainly regain and implement them in my day to day life as well. In addition, I absolutely love meeting new people and learning from them. So, I'm inspired both inside and outside my home every day.
Words to Foster others....
Rule your mind or it will rule you. Everything that happens to you or around you needs to first go through your psychological filter in order for you to make sense of and process it. How are YOU going to appraise these events? This decision will determine your thoughts, feelings, and actions going forward...... The choice is yours to make every day.