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Christina King

Christina King, Life Coach

"You are never too old to set another goal or to dream a new dream." - C.S. Lewis

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Why did you start your business?

I've always known since I was a young girl that I wanted to be an entrepreneur. I come from a family of entrepreneurs, so that world is not unfamiliar to me. I also grew up with the unique experience of taking care of my brother, Andrew, who has autism. My family and I have worked together over the years to help my brother learn new skills and live his life to the fullest. I'd like to think I've always enjoyed helping other people. This was especially the case of when I'd go with my brother to the grocery store, help him complete household chores, and teach him different kinds of social skills. While trying to decide what I wanted to do with my life and career, the idea of being a life coach came to mind for me. It was perfect and very aligned for me. I love to help people, and the purpose of a life coach is for them to witness people's transformations, help clients achieve their goals, conquer new skills, and overall, have a more positive outlook on life. It is a win-win! My brother is, no doubt, the inspiration for my business, and it is why I do what I do. This work is so rewarding and I'm grateful I get to do it.

Biggest Achievement so far.....

My biggest achievement so far has been receiving my Life Coaching Certification through an ICF-accredited program in March 2022. (ICF stands for International Coaching Federation). It was a 6-month program that forever changed my life! I became a better coach, a more confident business owner, and not to mention made a ton of fabulous connections with other women all over the world.

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Port Washington, NY
Greatest Lesson Learned....

Learning how to trust myself and listen to my intuition is one of the greatest lessons I have learned in my life. It comes in handy to trust yourself with business decisions, who to partner with in business, and also can be applied to many life decisions! You are the CEO of your life!

Person, Place or Thing that inspires you

Cara Alwill inspires me. She is the creator of "The Champagne Diet" brand, and author of several books. She is also a life coach and writer, just as I am. Her way of living her life unapologetically is so inspiring and badass. She creates her own opportunities, she does not wait for people to open doors for her. She lives life according to her own rules. All women and women business owners should aspire to be as unapologetic like her!

Words to Foster others....

It's always better to do things with a community, rather than on your own. It's way more fulfilling to have a tribe of people who have your back while you are on the way toward achieving a goal, going through a life transition, or exploring new opportunities. Plus, it's more FUN!

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