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Carla A Barone
Cohen Forman Barone, LLP
Listen more than speak

Why did you start your business?
After spending over 15 years working for other person's law firms, I decided that I gained enough knowledge and confidence to do this myself! I found two amazing business partners, who also happen to be the best professional friends any girl could ever dream of, and brought my matrimonial practice into their existing 10 plus year law firm. I wanted to lead a matrimonial practice, which I now do at Cohen Forman Barone.
Biggest Achievement so far.....
Raising two children ages 16 and 19 with my husband of 22 years.
Social Links
New York
Greatest Lesson Learned....
Preparation is the key to success, confidence and many many other things.
Person, Place or Thing that inspires you
Yoga and exercise
Words to Foster others....
Take your time
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