Cari Michelman
Trail Barre Creator and Branded Weight Loss Coach
Do not go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and mark your own trail

Why did you start your business?
Started 10 years ago as a side gig to y Equinox job- wanted to meet local like minded women and get outside the 4 walls of the gym and teach outdoors in our beautiful community. The weight loss coaching came later, (during COVID) - with the gyms closed...I found myself binge eating and reverting to comfort foods. I had to pull it together for my own sanity and mental health. Found the weight loss program through a distant friend whom I totally trusted. Started my own weight lose journey and decided to pay it forward. I want others to live happy and healthy as well. Nutrition and well-being go hand in hand- and it is such a misconception that one has to do high impact, injury prone workouts particularly as we age. Teaching and coaching how to embrace that with grace.
Biggest Achievement so far.....
Bringing a community together to exercise virtually. Teaching 45 min Barre classes 5 days/week...
This was a tough transition for me coming from a packed room of clients at the gym.
Truly made me realize that we can touch and change people by the energy we exude and the pivot we personally make when we are challenged.
Oh and I converted my garage to a barre studio with just 4 clients socially distanced per class - once snow melts....cant wait to continue these small group LIVE classes- SOOOOOO GLAD I DID THAT!!!!
Social Links
Port Washington
Greatest Lesson Learned....
If it doesn't challenge you- it doesn't change you
This is the space where all your magic happens!
Spiritually, Physically and Mentally
Person, Place or Thing that inspires you
Courage inspires me. Hearing triumphant stories about "the pivot" inspires me. That can come from anybody!!!
I don't believe in staying in one spot - I personally love to walk and hike...movement inspires me, (anywhere outdoors)
Words to Foster others....
Im here to help others feel empowered, Peaceful Mind, Strong Body and a Nourished Soul