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Alyssa Peek

Peek Photography, LLC

“For what is your friend that you should seek him with hours to kill? See him always with hours to live.” -Kahil Gabran

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Why did you start your business?

After spending over 20 years in the Fashion Industry working on designing and manufacturing clothing, I wanted to focus on what really makes a woman beautiful... her soul. When I was laid off my job I knew that it was the time to take a leap of faith and start my own business. My passion is to empower women to love themselves in the body they have now and the person they are today. Through photography I am able to change the perspective of how women see themselves. I am a stand for “women who want to be seen, need to be heard and determined to be successful.”

Biggest Achievement so far.....

“You are only as good as your last movie” is what comes to mind. I feel that my biggest achievement is the latest shoot.. whoever it is... I know that I am changing my clients lives by “letting them out of the box” and leaving them not only with a good photo but also a sense of renewed self confidence. This goes for me as well, with each shoot I overcome a challenge, a fear, that propels me to take another step.

Social Links
New York, NY
Greatest Lesson Learned....

The greatest lesson is that you cannot be scared of being judged. That everyone is going to have their own opinion on your last post, newsletter or promotion and that it is all good. The magic is in the action of putting it out into the world.

Person, Place or Thing that inspires you

Every woman that puts herself out there... to build a business on her own.... that's what inspires me.

Words to Foster others....

We are all beautiful souls that have a purpose and we need to share with others the gift that we each have inside of us.. to make this world a better place.

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