Adrienne Garland
She Leads Media
Never, never, never give up.
- Winston Churchill

Why did you start your business?
I started my business after leaving PricewaterhouseCoopers in 2010 after a harrowing 1.5 years there. My success and ascension through the corporate ranks was something I was so proud of since it came entirely from my dedication and hard work and not from anyone handing me anything. I thought that those skills would translate perfectly into my ability to start and grow a successful business of my own. Boy, was I wrong. I've found that entrepreneurship is the most challenging thing I have ever undertaken in my life for a variety of reasons. It's also been the greatest gift in me getting to know myself deeper than I ever would have, had I stayed working in corporate. My business, She Leads Media is dedicated to helping women entrepreneurs to start and grow their own businesses through leveraging media to gain the visibility we completley deserve. Sharing women's thoughts, ideas, and opinions with the world is what keeps me going every day.
Biggest Achievement so far.....
Without a doubt, raising my boys and creating a loving family. I've also started teaching at NYU and Rice University and taking MBA students on international trips to work on consutling projects for startups. The last few years have been an adventure, traveling to Lima, Peru 2X; Santiago, Chile; Sao Paulo, Brazil; Berlin, Germany and most recently to Bogota, Columbia. Teaching + Traveling is a dream come true for me.
Social Links
Sea Cliff
Greatest Lesson Learned....
I'm my harshest critic and no one cares as much about what you do and your accomplishments as much as you do. This is so freeing because when you realize that you're not being judged as harshly as you think you are, you can take risks and expand your zone of comfort - all to allow you to grow as a person in the direction of your dreams.
Person, Place or Thing that inspires you
Hawaii for the trade winds, the aloha spirit and the warm water. Top of my inspiration list is my mom. She raised my brother and I after losing her best friend and all-around amazing person (my dad) to cancer when she was only 33 years old. She's my rock and my inspiration.
Words to Foster others....
Be open to new experiences, surround yourself with those who are 'for' you, and act in accordance with what you say.